The awakening of Kundalini Shakti is as much an energetic, as it is a physical phenomenon. When the conditions necessary for awakening align – BOOM comes an explosion in your body! From that moment on you begin to see the world with different eyes. Everything’s the same, yet everything’s changed. All of a sudden your… Pročitajte više Kundalini awakening and the first chakra – sexuality and fear
Oznaka: kundalini shakti
KUNDALINI ACTIVITY & AWAKENING Differentiate between Temporary Activity & Permanent Awakening
SPONTANEOUS ACTIVATION This temporary encounter with Kundalini is a spontaneous release of energy which lasts for a period of time before the person comes back to 'perceived' normal state of consciousness. The effect may seem accidental and sudden but the underlying cause, the energetic pressure, is built up due to prolonged periods of stress, deep… Pročitajte više KUNDALINI ACTIVITY & AWAKENING Differentiate between Temporary Activity & Permanent Awakening
Grounding Kundalini
You'll experience several of these symptoms if the energy is in excess and ungrounded . - feeling of trapped energy in head, headache, pressure between the brows or at crown , high pitched ringing. - weakened appetite and longer time required to digest (i.e. general cooling of the digestive fires) - "upward" spinal breathing/pranayama is… Pročitajte više Grounding Kundalini
Životna sila – kundalini energija
Životna energija, chi, orgon, prana što su sve nazivi iste stvari; prožima sve, a nevidljiva je golim okom. Jezikom moderne fizike, tamna energija sačinjava 68 procenata kosmosa; lično verujem da je ova energija ekvivalent kundalini, opisana rečnikom fizike. 27 procenata kosmosa je tamna materija, za šta verujem da je ekvivalent astralnom nivou stvarnosti tj. kvantnomehaničkom… Pročitajte više Životna sila – kundalini energija
Kundalini and Chakras
MOOLADHARA CHAKRA Earth Element This center establishes deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth. Expression of life through this region is an outcome of basic survival needs, an instinctual animalistic nature driven by sense of security,territorial domination and sexual desires, our fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra.… Pročitajte više Kundalini and Chakras
Stages Of Awakening
1) Prana usually flows in Ida or Pingala Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala. Of the thousands of energy channels (nadis), three are most important: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna (sometimes called "silver cord"), which is the central channel, and the… Pročitajte više Stages Of Awakening
Awakening of Kundalini Shakti – How to Live, How to Love, How to Die
Dormant, at the very bottom of your pelvis, lies a powerful, primary energy of the Earth. She was awake a long time ago, when conscious souls walked the Earth, but with the growth of the Ego she began to withdraw, deeper and deeper into the core of our very being, and she eventually fell into… Pročitajte više Awakening of Kundalini Shakti – How to Live, How to Love, How to Die
Kundalini i četvrta čakra – o zahvalnosti i ljubavi
Dugo već izbegavam da pišem ovaj tekst, većma zbog toga što sam sopstveno iskustvo otvaranja četvrte čakre opisala u tekstu Otvaranje srca četvrta čakra - u boli najviše se raste; ali kako toliko toga postoji za reći o srčanoj čakri, najzad sam se rešila na „hvatanje u koštac“ sa ovom temom. Kako ne volim da… Pročitajte više Kundalini i četvrta čakra – o zahvalnosti i ljubavi
Buđenje Kundalini Šakti – kako se živi, kako se voli, kako se umire
Uspavana u samom dnu vaše karlice leži moćna, primarna energija Zemlje. Nekada budna, kada su osveštene duše koračale našom Zemljom, sa rastom Ega povlačila se sve dublje i dublje u dubine našega bića, da bi najzad usnula čvrstim snom, čekajući da doba buđenja dođe. Opisana simbolom zmije, životinje snažno povezane sa energijom zemlje, Kundalini Šakti… Pročitajte više Buđenje Kundalini Šakti – kako se živi, kako se voli, kako se umire