Kundalini awakening and the first chakra – sexuality and fear

The awakening of Kundalini Shakti is as much an energetic, as it is a physical phenomenon. When the conditions necessary for awakening align – BOOM comes an explosion in your body! From that moment on you begin to see the world with different eyes. Everything’s the same, yet everything’s changed. All of a sudden your… Pročitajte više Kundalini awakening and the first chakra – sexuality and fear

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Stages Of Awakening

1) Prana usually flows in Ida or Pingala Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala. Of the thousands of energy channels (nadis), three are most important: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna (sometimes called "silver cord"), which is the central channel, and the… Pročitajte više Stages Of Awakening